“From the minute I walked into Nura, the staff have been so professional and have been able to turn things around so quickly.”

Meet Scott
In the early 90s, Scott was involved in an accident that left him having to have back surgery between the L4 and L5 vertebrae. Over the years, the pain has been bearable, but in the last few years, it has gotten worse. Scott would see his chiropractor for relief every six months; then, it became every month and eventually every couple of days. After an X-ray, Scott’s chiropractor told him he could no longer help – the pain in his back needed a new level of care.
Nura Understands Your Pain
At this point, he reached out to a pain clinic and went through all the preliminary scans and tests. His team determined that he would benefit from another back fusion surgery.
In the interim, before surgery, Scott needed some pain relief. Instead of taking medication, he wanted to get an epidural.
Scott wasn’t hearing back from his pain clinic to schedule the epidural, and that is when he was told about Nura and heard they might be able to help.
By the next day, Scott was scheduled with Nura for an epidural steroid injection in Edina.
“It was a miracle. From the minute I walked into Nura, the staff have been so professional and can turn things around so quickly.”
After getting the epidural, Scott had to complete the various insurance requirements for surgery, which included physical therapy.
Scott looked at this as just a checkbox for insurance and was skeptical of the benefits that physical therapy could offer.
“Every time I go in for PT, I thank them for being patient with me. Nura helped me realize the importance of physical therapy. I have improved, and it has helped me take my pain down to a manageable level. I am now embracing the process and how it can help me in recovery and everyday life.”

Find Pain Relief
Schedule an appointment with one of our pain specialists by filling out our appointment request form or giving us a call at 763-537-6000.