Cervicogenic Headache (Whiplash) Pain Relief Specialists
Cervicogenic Headaches (Whiplash)
Condition Overview
Cervicogenic headaches are a type of headache that originate from issues in the neck, often resulting from problems with the cervical spine, muscles or nerves. Unlike other headaches that stem from the brain, cervicogenic headaches are caused by underlying neck conditions such as whiplash — a sudden, forceful movement of the neck typically caused by car accidents or physical trauma. This type of headache is often accompanied by neck pain and stiffness and certain neck movements can trigger or worsen the symptoms. Proper diagnosis is essential for effective treatment, as these headaches require a targeted approach to address the root cause in the neck.
Whatever the cause of your neck pain, the pain specialists at Nura Clinics are here to help find you the easiest, most effective path toward relief.
Learn more about cervicogenic headaches
Symptoms of Cervicogenic Headaches
The pain caused by a cervicogenic headache begins in the neck and the back of the head and radiates towards the front of the head. People may confuse cervicogenic headaches with migraines and tension headaches, both of which cause neck pain.
Typically, people who have cervicogenic headaches experience a headache accompanied by neck pain and stiffness. Certain neck movements can provoke these headaches — turning your head to the side or looking over your shoulder, for example.

Diagnosis of Cervicogenic Headaches
When diagnosing cervicogenic headaches, one of our pain management experts will conduct a comprehensive evaluation. They’ll talk with you about your medical history and ask questions about your pain and what caused it — where you feel it, how it feels, whether it’s constant and others.
In some cases, imaging like X-rays or MRI scans may be ordered to rule out other injuries or confirm the extent of damage. As long as you communicate openly about what you’re feeling, our pain relief specialists will be able to help create an effective treatment plan for lasting relief from whiplash headaches.
Treatment Options for Cervicogenic Headaches
Treating cervicogenic headaches involves a multifaceted approach to address the underlying issues in the cervical spine (neck) that contribute to the headache. Common treatment options include:

Real people, real stories
The pain pump has changed my life.
On February 18, 1993, 16-year-old Tracy’s life changed forever when she was in a car accident that left her with severe facial injuries. Despite undergoing 56 reconstructive surgeries, including work on her right eye, Tracy was left with constant, sharp head pain. After 12 unsuccessful exploratory surgeries, her pain became chronic, disrupting her daily life.
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