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“Every minute matters.”


Meet Rebecca

Rebecca Martin suffers from various ailments, any one of which would be an immense burden to bear.

In addition to an auto-immune disorder — a hereditary condition in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the body itself — Rebecca suffers from ankylosing spondylitis, an inflammatory disease that has caused her hip joint to fuse together.

When her chronic headaches became continuous, Rebecca was diagnosed with Fahr syndrome — the build-up of abnormal calcium deposits in her brain.

Nura Understands Your Pain

After suffering from chronic pain for years, she turned to Nura for help managing her pain. Ultimately, Rebecca received a spinal pain pump, and that has made all the difference for her.

“I’d been on the train of oral meds, with all of the ups and downs. I’d tried another pain clinic, but Nura was different. They’ve made an awesome, incredible difference in the quality of my life.

“I have a son and two grandkids, and I can keep up with them. And given my condition, every minute matters. I am also so grateful for the love and support I’ve received from my daughter and my husband of 20 years.”

Rebecca also shared some advice for anyone considering Nura:

“Go for it. You’ll be surprised by your experience. They always treat you with respect, they listen to you, and you help create your own care plan. I would be nothing without them.”
