“My quality of life went from 10% to 150%.”
Meet Rachel
Nearly 10 years ago, while she was being treated for a herniated disk, Rachel’s life took a dramatic change for the worse.
The doctor who was treating her accidentally injected dye directly into Rachel’s spinal column. The dye destroyed a critical membrane and caused the onset of an extremely rare, incredibly painful condition.
Seeking relief, Rachel spent months at the Mayo Clinic, where one doctor eventually recognized her condition as arachnoiditis — an irreversible inflammation of the membrane that surrounds and protects the spinal cord nerves.
Nura Understands Your Pain
Because of the pain, Rachel could no longer work at her job in real estate. She went on disability and spent years “in nursing homes, in a wheelchair, taking pills and pills and pills.”
In the fall of 2019, her doctors at Hennepin County Medical Center referred Rachel to Nura for pain treatment, where a trial implant of a spinal pain pump proved as dramatic as her initial injury.
“For the first time in 10 years, I remembered what it was like not to have any pain.”
Rachel soon received a permanent pain pump, as well as counseling from the team at Nura. “I did everything they said to do; I even quit smoking. And everything they promised me would happen happened.”
Today, at the high-end luxury apartment development where Rachel is the leasing agent, “people have no idea about my history. When they find out, they can’t believe it.”
“I went from being stuck in a wheelchair to walking a mile every day. Nura took my quality of life from 10% to 150%.”
Find Pain Relief
Schedule an appointment with one of our pain specialists by filling out our appointment request form or giving us a call at 763-537-6000.