Starting October 1, Nura will no longer offer Botox injections for pain relief. Please contact us if you have questions.

“I am so grateful for this stimulator device and for the Nura team for suggesting it.”



Meet Joyce

In June of 2017, Joyce began having pain in her right hip. She visited an orthopedic surgeon who diagnosed her with bursitis and was able to maintain the pain with occasional cortisone injections. After a while, these stopped working, and it was found that the bursitis had become bone-on-bone arthritis. She was given two choices – either live with the pain or have hip replacement surgery.

The choice was easy for Joyce, and in June 2019, she had her hip replacement surgery. As time passed, she wasn’t feeling any better from surgery. Her MRI and CT scan weren’t showing anything wrong, but she felt like she was in worse shape than she was before surgery. After seeing multiple doctors and taking medications, a revision surgery on the same hip was the next option, and in October 2020, she went in for the second time.

Nura Understands Your Pain

By December, Joyce was feeling pretty good and felt that she might finally be pain-free. Unfortunately, the pain returned in January, but with no answers.

“I did not know how I was going to be able to stand the chronic pain much longer.”

Knowing she was running out of options, Joyce came to Nura for a consultation. The team first tried a more conservative approach with nerve blocks and other injections. These helped the tingling in her toes, but she still had the same pain in her hip. It was at this point that the Nura team suggested she may be a good candidate for a spinal cord stimulator trial. After the trial, it was the first time she hadn’t felt pain.

“I was about 80% better. I dreaded having it removed because I knew the pain would come back.”

With the trial being a success, it was decided that Joyce would get a permanent stimulator. By March, Joyce had the stimulator implanted, and she felt the positive results immediately.

“My pain is so much less, and it was worth it. I can go to sleep and not be in constant pain. It is a miracle.”

Joyce can now do the everyday activities that she loves, such as mowing her lawn, walking around the block, and even kneeling in her garden. She can walk between 8,000 and 10,000 steps a day. She also looks forward to being able to travel to visit her son and volunteer at VEAP, Volunteers Enlisted to Assist People with little to no pain.

“I am so grateful for this stimulator device and the Nura team for suggesting it.”
