Starting October 1, Nura will no longer offer Botox injections for pain relief. Please contact us if you have questions.

“I don’t really have pain anymore.”



Meet John

John Petersen was diagnosed with leukemia in 2018. Making matters worse, John also suffered severe neuropathy in his hands as a result of his chemotherapy treatment.

His neuropathy became so bad that John had a hard time even gripping a pencil. “My hands became really weak, I had sharp pains, and I just felt like I couldn’t do anything.”

Nura Understands Your Pain

When he first heard about Nura from his oncologist, John wasn’t sure what to think. “I was hesitant. I didn’t want to go.” But ultimately, he did go — which made all the difference.

After an initial evaluation, Nura tried a number of different therapies to help John with his cancer pain. Targeted drug delivery with a spinal pain pump showed the most promise, and after a trial period, John had a pain pump implanted.

“Now they’ve got my pump dialed in almost perfect. I don’t really have pain anymore. It’s been two years, and I feel great. It’s night and day.”
