Starting October 1, Nura will no longer offer Botox injections for pain relief. Please contact us if you have questions.

“I can walk for miles.”



Meet Michael

In 2006, Michael was involved in a horrible car accident. Over the years, he has dealt with several different injuries resulting from the accident.

“I have had MCLs go bad, issues with my elbow, a torn rotator cuff, and other things.”

Michael was able to find relief in these areas by working with his current pain management clinic, but there was one area that he was struggling to get relief from – his lower back. He tried different treatments to help with his back, including epidurals, prolotherapy, and PRP, and nothing was working.

Nura Understands Your Pain

“Over the years, we just hadn’t been able to nail down the back issue. The pain would then radiate down my legs, and it was so bad that I could barely walk from the bedroom to the bathroom.”

Trying to figure out an alternative treatment plan, a provider on his care team recommended Nura.

“I was very impressed with the attention and the detail that I was given during my first appointment.”

The team at Nura began working with Michael to develop a treatment plan and identify his goals. He was started on epidural shots, and after several of those, he met with Dr. Stayner, who recommended the Minuteman® procedure.

As an avid elk hunter, Michael has been going on annual hunts his whole life. In 2019, it was tough for him to even hike 100 yards on the trip, and in 2020, he wasn’t even able to participate due to the pain in his back. So, one of his goals was to be able to go on this hunt in September of 2021.

Michael had the procedure in June of 2021, and the Minuteman® device was placed in his back to help restore the natural height between discs. Four months later, he fulfilled his goal of going on the annual elk hunt. For ten days, he averaged walking three to five miles each day, compared to only being able to hike 100 yards in 2019.

Michael was extremely happy with the relief he felt after the procedure and what he could accomplish on his trip.

“Without the Minuteman® procedure, it would have been impossible. Now I can walk for miles.”
